Divine Light Beings
You Are a Divine Being of Light, Made From the Essence of God (Get Free Report Below)
My friend Matthew Bilt shares my belief that we are divine. The belief that we are eternal beings makes all the difference when it comes to our confidence and personal power! Be a Powerful Creator Now.Matthew wrote a six-page report on how this idea changed his life. I asked him if I could share it with my Light Worker Friends. His report tells you:
1) How five simple words powerfully creates a new self image.
2) Why knowing we are made from God is such a powerful idea.
3) What it really means to have divine potential.
4) How to see the spiritual essence in all people everywhere.
5) How you can feel for yourself the unconditional love of divine beings.
Download your PDF copy below. Just right click and "save target as" and save to your desktop. Then open and read.
Divine Light Beings
I only ask one favor. If you find Matthew's report to enhance your own self confidence and personal creative power, please forward it on to at least one other person. You can attach the document to your email, or you can send them back to this page.
Enjoy the report.
Copyright Christopher Westra | Divine Light Beings