Power of Imagination
Imagination Quotes and Sayings to Improve Your Imaginative Skills
This Imagination Page is hosted courtesy of the Freedom Lifestyle Passive Income Program - a six part course teaching you how to build your own residual income stream.
For a series of ten lessons on using your imagination in a focused way to create your reality, sign up below. This imaginative technique is called holographic creation, and it's more powerful than visualization!
Just fill out your first name and email address, and you will also get a free book on using your imagination for manifesting your dream life.
There's a name for the magic that transforms lives, connects dots, moves mountains, and orchestrates coincidences that shock and astound... Imagination.
And there's a name for all that stops you in your tracks, stirs fear, spins wheels, and leaves one wondering, "Hey, what's up with that?"... Imagination.
Careful where you point that thing,
The Universe (Mike Dooley) Get More of Mike's Notes from the Universe
Faith is using your imagination to powerfully visualize a detailed scenario, while believing that what you see in your mind will come to pass.
Fear is using your imagination to powerfully visualize a detailed scenario, while believing that what you see in your mind will come to pass.
Christopher Westra - Author of Holographic Creation - Beyond Visualization
P.S. Like Mike said above - Be careful where you point that imagination!
Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.
Albert Einstein
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.
Carl Sagan
Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
Gloria Steinem
Use Your Imagination With the Make Your Day Light Cards.
Christopher Westra | Imagination Quotes and Sayings