Money Goals
Set Your Ten Year Money Goals
You can become a Money Master and Create Wealth by choosing your own
financial destiny. Wealthy people decided to become wealthy!
They set specific money goals that supported the
lifestyle and purposes they desired.
Here is the best way to set your money goals. Simply include money goals as part of your Ten Years in the Future Exercise. I've done this exercise with hundreds of people in counseling sessions.
Pick a friend, and write a letter to that friend as if it were ten years from now. Put the exact date and the name of your friend (Dear Scott). You will do a better job if you actually compose a letter than if you just think about it. Include your money goals as part of this letter.
Write your letter as if it is actually ten years from now. Write in the present tense about what you have achieved in the last ten years. Include your occupation, where in the world you live, family life, hobbies, accomplishments, community service, and what money goals you have achieved!
P.S. I've done this exercise myself, and the life I wrote about actually came to pass. I could feel the guiding hand of God and Angels in my life because I knew what I wanted. You can get more specifics about your Money Goals and improving your financial reality in one year or ten years with the Freedom Lifestyle Income Program.
Lesson 4 - Find Your Own Answer to "What is Wealth?"
Copyright Christopher Westra | Money Goals