Manifesting Desires
Ten Simple Steps to Manifesting Desires
You can download this free PDF below on the ten simple steps to
Manifesting Your Desires, from my friend Apryl Jensen. Apryl is
the author of
Everyday Manifesting - Finding Joy Through Creating Consciously.
The PDF on Manifesting Desires is only four pages long, and the fourth page contains a simple and beautiful "poster" with all ten steps neatly summarized. You can print this poster and put it up near you for motivation and reminders on the steps of Manifesting Desires. Just right click on the image below and save the steps to your desktop.
You will learn about intention, and the three primary obstacles that
us from making use of the power contained in every intention. You
will empower your life using focused thinking rather than random
The fourth and fifth steps in Manifesting Desires involve non-doing, rather than doing. Yet these manifesting steps must be known and practiced to allow the manifestation to take place! Get your copy and read all ten of the steps.
Just right click on the huge button below and "save target as" to save the Ten Steps to Manifesting Desires. Or you can left click to open it up right now. Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and family! Enjoy.
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Author of "I Create Reality, Beyond Visualization"
See this three minute movie on "I
Create Reality".
Copyright Christopher Westra | Manifesting Desires