Perpetual Light Fund Winner 15
Maurice Okota Abuonji, Winner of the $100 Microenterprise Fund (July 2007)
This Light Award is sponsored by Apryl Jensen at Making Fairies
Maurice Okota Abuonji is 27 years old and a father of one. His wife
is a housewife. He quit schooling while in high school due to fee
problems. It was later that he trained as a mechanic, and has worked as
one for the last six years. He also owns an auto-spare shop. His child
is too young and has not yet started going to school. He also takes care
of his aged parents back in his rural home.
He has been wondering how he could expand his shop. He is requesting a loan of US$400. He intends to use US$200 to buy more stock of auto spares and US$200 to buy a welding machine to use for car and house repairs. He is hardworking and his business has the potential to grow.
Congratulations to Maurice! Note - This award processed through
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Potential Light Fund Recipients, keep sending your info. You may be next!
Copyright Christopher Westra