Positive Emotion List
Get Your Positive Emotion List Here - You Deserve It!
You can use this list to help expand your awareness of the emotions you feel in this life. As you learn to name your emotions, you grow and become more skilled at creating the emotions you desire!
You can get your expanded positive emotion list in two formats. You can get the list in PDF format if you want to print it, keep it for future reference, or pass it on to others. Just "Right Click" and choose "Save Target As" and save to your desktop.
Printable Positive Emotion List (PDF)
Or you can get your list right here on the website if you just want to take a look at it right now, or access it whenever you need it from this site!
Web Version of Positive Emotion List
Learn more about how to create the emotions you want with a process called holographic creation. Just sign up for my free daily newsletter below and you will get a free book called "The Manifesting Mindset".
The reason we want anything is because of the emotions we think we will get. Learn now to go straight for the emotions, and Manifesting will become easier for you. Get these short daily inspirations to counter all the negative you get each day. You deserve it!
Copyright Christopher Westra | Positive Emotion List