Light Workers

Destiny of Mankind

Adrian Cooper on Life, the Universe, and the Destiny of Mankind

The Destiny of Mankind is a pretty in-depth subject, but my friend Adrian Cooper covers it with ease.  He is a prolific writer who writes about the essence of reality, including out of body experiences, astral projection, quantum physics, and the ultimate destiny of man.

His book is over 600 pages long, and has more chapters in it than some of my own books have pages!  Adrian has become a close friend and is a light worker of quality.  He writes easily about the eternal now, the law of attraction, and how to use imagination to create your own destiny.

Check out the 114 chapters of his book and get seven chapters free about the Destiny of Mankind.

His book will make a difference and bring light into your life.  Adrian is blessed with the gift of writing and shares it eloquently, providing us with teachings on the nature of light and the universe. 

Enjoy, and tell him that Christopher sent you!

Copyright Christopher Westra | Destiny of Mankind